Window on State Government Survey Exit this survey >> Thank you for taking this brief survey about the Window on State Government Web site. It contains 7 questions and should take only 2 or 3 minutes to complete. Your responses will help us serve you better. Question Title * 1. What is your primary reason for visiting the Comptroller's Web site? Paying a business tax WebFiling or reporting electronically Searching Unclaimed Property Downloading a tax form Getting more information about a tax Researching a tax issue Finding a local sales tax rate Registering as a vendor to receive bid opportunities Obtaining a Certificate of Good Standing for an entity Looking for college/career planning tools Viewing a Comptroller publication Reading Comptroller news Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How often do you visit the Comptroller's Web site, on average? More than once per day Daily Several times per week Several times per month Monthly Quarterly Annually Rarely Question Title * 3. Do you find the Comptroller's Web site easy to use? Yes No Somewhat No opinion Question Title * 4. Were you able to find the service or information you were looking for? Yes No* Somewhat* Not applicable *If you were not able to find what you were looking for, please specify what you could not find: Question Title * 5. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience with this Web site? Yes No* Somewhat* No opinion *If you were not satisfied, please specify why: Question Title * 6. Please provide your suggestions to improve this Web site: Question Title * 7. Please identify information or services you would like to see added to this site in the future: Done >>