In 2008, a broad group of educators, employers and community group members formed the Alaska Marine Science and Fisheries Careers Coalition (the Coalition) with a mission to: “advocate for the education and employment of Alaska Natives and rural Alaskans in marine and fisheries sciences” and the vision: “Alaska Natives and rural Alaskans will be employed in all levels of fisheries and marine science positions at a percentage that reflects the demographics of the state. Students in all Alaskan communities will have access to the educational pathways that are needed to succeed in these careers.”

Short, mid and long term goals were developed at that time. The Steering Committee of the Coalition is in the process of revisiting these goals and would appreciate your input. This survey is short and should not take more than 10 minutes of your time. Your thoughts are invaluable to this process.

More information about the Coalition, meeting notes, and our workshop report can be found at

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the following long-term goals with how important they are, in your mind, for the Coalition to continue.

  very important somewhat important least important
Healthy and sustainable marine and freshwater natural resources in Alaska.
Economic solvency and high quality of life in Alaska's coastal communities.
Employment succession taken advantage of by rural residents to a representative level.
Employment succession taken advantage of by Alaska Natives to a representative level.
Equal and high quality math and science K-12 education and educational pathways for all students in Alaska.

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following mid-level goals.

  very important somewhat important least important
Educators will have access to curriculum, tools, and expertise to offer strong math and science education in all K-12 schools.
Educators will have access to curriculum and resources to explain and entice students to pursue marine science and fisheries educational pathways.
Employers will have internships, with opportunities for Alaska Native and rural students.
Students will hear about and have access to educational pathways to Fisheries or Marine Science Careers.
Employers will see an increase in the number of employees from rural Alaska or who are Alaska Native.

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the following short terms goals.

  very important somewhat important least important
Educators will have access to information and skills to support students interested in fisheries and marine science.
Decision makers will be urged to focus on including more rural and Alaska Natives in Fisheries or Marine Science careers.
Rural Alaskan students will be aware of and recruited to consider these careers.
A strong statewide partnership between stakeholders, educators and employers will exist which is dedicated to student and employee recruitment and retention.
Students and employees who are rural Alaskans or Alaskan Natives will be supported and a group "identity" formed.

Question Title

* 4. The coalition's activities for the next two years might include the following: Please rank these using 1 as the first priority for the coalition to focus on.

  1st Priority 2nd Priority 3rd Priority 4th Priority
Networking and coordination with employers and educators: Coalition website (Future Alaskans in Fisheries and Marine Science), newsletter, blog, Facebook, Twitter.
Development of pathways information for students and advisors
Identifying jobs via electronic job board
Advocating for funding and educational program development

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* 5. Have we left something out that you feel should be focused on by the Coalition in the future?

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* 6. Which of the following resources provided by the coalition do you read or use?

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* 7. Would you be interested in a bi-monthly webinar sponsored by the Coalition on subjects such as:
*Recruitment and retaining rural and Alaska Native students in fisheries and marine science
*How to host an intern
*Enhancing math and science education in Alaska's rural schools

Question Title

* 8. Any other topics for bi-monthly webinars you would be interested in?

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* 9. Please provide us with your contact information