General Usage Questions

For this first page, we'd like to know a little bit about your operating environment so we can get a feel of what the average Ansible user likes and is interested in.

If you are not yet using Ansible and are just evaluating, there's no need to take this survey (don't worry, other Surveys may be for you!)

Feel free to give approximate answers if you're not sure or are uncomfortable with sharing exact details.

There are less than 20 questions total so this shouldn't take to long. Thank you in advance for helping out!

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* 1. How long have you been using Ansible?

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* 2. What operating systems do you most frequently use as the ansible control machine (the machine you run ansible-playbook from)

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* 3. What operating systems do you currently manage with Ansible?

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* 4. When you install or upgrade ansible, you most frequently get it from

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* 5. I use the following Ansible connection types to connect to and manage my systems

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* 6. In regards to continuous integration and continuous deployment use cases

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* 7. In my infrastructure I currently have the following (feel free to share more details in the other field)