Blogging 101 Wrap Up Question Title * 1. Would you like to see more content that addresses blogging tips in the future? Yes, I would like to see blogging tips more often on To Vogue or Bust No, I would not like to read more about blogging tips I would like to see blogging tips only occasionally on To Vogue or Bust Question Title * 2. What kind of content do you most like reading on To Vogue or Bust? Personal style posts Decor Beauty tutorials Hair tutorials Travel diaries Blogging tips Videos Fitness Skin Care Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. How often per week do you like seeing posts on To Vogue or Bust? 3 times per week 4 times per week 5 times per week 6 times per week Question Title * 4. How do you read or find To Vogue or Bust? Bloglovin' Facebook Twitter Pinterest RSS Feed Blogger Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. What Blogging 101 features would you like to see in the future? Question Title * 6. What kind of Blogging 101 features would you like to see in the future? Question Title * 7. What would you like to see more of on the blog? Question Title * 8. What would you like to see less of? Question Title * 9. What kind of giveaways would you be interested in? Beauty giveaway Fashion item giveaway (jeans, bag, etc) Experience-based giveaway (blog design, personal styling, etc) Other (please specify) Done