Question Title

* 1. Firstly, just a few questions about your business.
Do you give independent or restricted advice?

Question Title

* 2. Are you directly authorised or in a network?

Question Title

* 3. Which platforms do you use mainly ?

Question Title

* 4. Can you estimate your firm's annual revenue

Question Title

* 5. How important is investment business to your revenue ?

Question Title

* 6. Which best describes your view?

Question Title

* 7. For investment business do you ( mainly ) ?

Question Title

* 8. Which risk tools do you mostly use?

Question Title

* 9. Which fund managers do you use?

  Artemis Jupiter Octopus Black Rock BNY Melon Old Mutual Fidelity Aberdeen Allianz Global Investors Standard Life Kames Invesco
Do not use
Use Occasionally
Use Regularly
Use a great deal
Do not select funds

Question Title

* 10. How do you ensure your clients' portfolio risk is well managed?

Question Title

* 11. If you do not use risk-targeted funds, why is this ?

Question Title

* 12. How would you assess your own understanding of the role of risk in constructing investment solutions?

  Very good OK Some gaps Would appreciate more on this
General understanding
The relationship between risk and volatility
Correlation risk
Managing risk to achieve long term performance

Question Title

* 13. Investment providers produce a lot of information - but given that your time is limited, which providers offer the most useful material, ideas or support?

Question Title

* 14. For those investment providers you deal with how would you describe your face to face contact with them?

Question Title

* 15. How much involvement have you had with Allianz Global Investors and their funds?

Question Title

* 16. Have you noticed any trade advertising for the following companies in the last few months ?

Question Title

* 17. Which best describes your view of Allianz Global Investors?

Question Title

* 18. So we can send you our report on Investment and Risk, and enter you in our prize draw to win 2 VIP Tickets to see Saracens v Harlequins please can you let us have your name and email address ?