gotomedia, a leading lifestyle design and research firm, is conducting a study to gain insight on how people use their mobile phones. We are looking for mobile phone owners who can participate in a week-long diary study followed by a one-hour online interview (from February 9th to 20th). Respondents who are selected to participate and who complete the diary study and interview will receive $150 and may be asked to extend their participation for an additional $150 - $250.

This short survey is designed to help us identify a diverse group of participants. If you qualify, we will contact you by phone to discuss the study further. Please be sure to provide your full name, email address, and phone number where we can reach you. We will not share the information outside of this study. You will be contacted ONLY if you qualify. Please do not contact gotomedia directly.

YOUR PRIVACY: The data you provide in this survey will be used solely to assist gotomedia in identifying a diverse pool of participants for our research. gotomedia will not use this information for any other purpose. None of the information you provide will be sold to or shared with any other party. Your participation in this survey is strictly voluntary.

Question Title

* 1. What is your gender?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Do you have children under the age of 18 living with you?

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* 4. What is your approximate average household income?

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* 5. Which of these best describes where you live?

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* 6. What kind of phone do you use as your primary mobile device?

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* 7. How long have you had your current phone for?

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* 8. Who is your current mobile phone provider?

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* 9. On average, how often do you do any of these on your mobile phone?

  At least once a day 2-5 times a week 2-6 times a month Once a month or less
Check email
Send text messages
Check social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
Online shopping
Online purchasing
Pay bills
Bank online