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* 1. Are you male or female?

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* 2. Which category below includes your age?

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* 3. Besides receiving email updates of my latest posts, if you only had to select one social network to follow Carrie's Experimental Kitchen, which one would it be?

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* 4. What time of day (EST) are you most likely to spend the most amount of time on a social media website?

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* 5. How many recipes or new posts would you like to receive from Carrie's Experimental Kitchen in a given week?

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* 6. Which day(s) are you most likely to read a blog post from Carrie's Experimental Kitchen?

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* 7. What time of day (EST) are you most likely to read a blog post from Carrie's Experimental Kitchen?

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* 8. Please rank in order what you like most about Carrie's Experimental Kitchen? (1=Most; 10=Least)

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* 9. What types of recipes would you like to see more of from Carrie's Experimental Kitchen?

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* 10. If you could offer one piece of advice for Carrie's Experimental Kitchen to make it a more enjoyable experience for it's readers, what would it be?