Goods & Services and Wellbeing

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* 1. Do you think of wellbeing as something that is 'free'?

Tick one box only

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* 2. How important would you say the design of your existing home is to your wellbeing?

Tick one box only

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* 3. Do you need regular access to a car to secure or sustain your wellbeing?

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* 4. Do you need access to public transport to secure or sustain your wellbeing?

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* 5. If you live in sheltered or another form of retirement housing, how would you say it has affected your wellbeing?

Please answer only if you live in sheltered or retirement housing.

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* 6. Which three elements relating to your home contribute most to your wellbeing?

Number 1-3 in order of importance (where 1 is the most important)

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* 7. Shopping for myself (so called 'retail therapy') improves my sense of wellbeing.

Tick only box only

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* 8. Do you own information technology?

Tick all that apply

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* 9. Which three goods or services would you pay for if you thought it would improve your wellbeing?

Number 1-3 in order of importance

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* 10. Does having access to the internet improve your wellbeing?

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* 11. Which three of these contribute most already or would contribute most to your wellbeing?

Number 1-3 in order of importance

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* 12. How would you describe yourself in relation to 'care' ?

Tick any that apply