Family Office Benchmark Survey Question Title * 1. Demographics Name: * Organization Name: Inception Date: Assets Under Management: Address City/Town: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country: Email Address: * Question Title * 2. Please identify your type of firm Multi-Family Office Single Family Office Wealth Management Firm Fund Manager or Other Question Title * 3. What % of your investment portfolio do you have allocated to the following areas? (Totals should add up to 100%) Direct Investments (Operating Businesses) Long Only/Stocks/ETFs/Mutual Funds Private Equity Hedge Funds Real Estate (& other Hard Assets) Other (Please specify as possible) Question Title * 4. Which of the following does your family office have in place? Advisory Board Formal Investment Committee Independent Investment Consultants Direct Investment Acquisition & Deal Flow Team Dedicated Office Space Professional Staff from Outside the Family A Formal Family Charter (Goals, Mission, Objectives, Values, etc.) Question Title * 5. Please rank the following by most to least valuable for connecting with other ultra-wealthy families and family offices: 1 2 3 4 N/A Sharing Best Practices N/A 1 2 3 4 N/A Referring of Fund Managers and Service Providers N/A 1 2 3 4 N/A Acquiring Talent for Our Team N/A 1 2 3 4 N/A Access to Direct Investment Deal Flow (operating business investments) N/A Question Title * 6. Please provide an approximate level of compensation for the following roles at your firm. Please indicate N/A if that position does not exist at your firm, and please indicate "+ carry" if the position includes upside performance compensation components as well as a salary. Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer Chief Investment Officer Portfolio Manager Analyst Board Member Investment Committee Member Question Title * 7. What new talent do you need to add to your team in the next 12-18 months? Question Title * 8. When investing in an operating business, do you prefer to be a minority investor or majority investor who takes control of the business? Minority Majority Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. What size of direct investments or co-investments does your family office target? $500K-$5M Size Investments $5M-$10M Size Investments $10M-$25M Size Investments $25M-$100M Size Investments $100M+ Size Investments Other (please specify) Done