Maiden Voyage Female Business Traveller Safety Survey |
Female Business Traveller Safety Survey
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this important survey. It is our intention to gather comprehensive intelligence into the market of female business traveller safety and the specific risks that women travellers face. We are also looking to identify best practice within corporate travel departments and identify the best products and services available to ensure the safety of women travellers.
This research will be used as a basis for published articles and conference content.
Your responses to this survey will be handled with upmost sensitively and the information you supply will not be attributed to you as an individual unless you specifically wish to be quoted.
Your responses to this survey will be handled with upmost sensitively and the information you supply will not be attributed to you as an individual unless you specifically wish to be quoted.
Because this survey is anonymous we will not be offering a prize draw incentive for completion, instead we will donate £1 for every response we receive to the the Airline Ambassadors charity which amongst other things works to prevent human trafficking. See