
IRB STUDY # 1406224955


College Students and Sexually Explicit Media

You are invited to participate in a research study about college student’s sexual behaviors and exposure to sexually explicit media. You were selected as a possible subject because you may have read or responded to a recruitment notice related to college students sexual behaviors and exposure to pornography. We ask that you read this form and ask any questions you may have before agreeing to be in the study.

You must identify as college or university student who is at least 18 years of age to participate in this this study.

The study is being conducted by Dr. Debby Herbenick in the Department of Applied Health Science in the School of Public Health.


The purpose of this survey is to better understand sexual behaviors among college students and porn's influence on sexual experiences.


If you agree to be in the study, you will do the following things:

You will be asked to complete an anonymous questionnaire that asks about your background (e.g., age, gender) as well as your feelings and experiences related to sexual activity and viewing pornography. It takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the survey. A total of 500 college students are being recruited for participation in this study.


As this study involves the anonymous completion of questionnaires, we ask that you do not type your name or any other identifying information into the survey. As such, your survey responses will not be able to be connected to your identity in any way. Efforts will be made to keep your personal information confidential. We cannot guarantee absolute confidentiality. Your personal information may be disclosed if required by law.

Organizations that may inspect and/or copy your research records for quality assurance and data analysis include groups such as the study investigator and his/her research associates, the IUB Institutional Review Board or its designees, and (as allowed by law) state or federal agencies, specifically the Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) who may need to access your research records.


You will not receive payment for taking part in this study


For questions about the study, contact the researcher, Dr. Debby Herbenick, at 812.855.7011 or debby@indiana.edu.

For questions about your rights as a research participant or to discuss problems, complaints or concerns about a research study, or to obtain information, or offer input, contact the IU Human Subjects Office at (812) 856-4242 or (800) 696-2949.


Taking part in this study is voluntary. You may choose not to take part or may leave the study at any time. Leaving the study will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are entitled. Your decision whether or not to participate in this study will not affect your current or future relations with the investigators.

If you agree to participate in the study, please click the "Next" link below to proceed to the survey. Otherwise, please close the browser.
4% of survey complete.