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* 2. What time did you arrive?

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* 3. Did you take a tour or get to see the inside of the Cider House?

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* 4. Which cider styles did you enjoy the most? Pick up to three.

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* 5. What did you think of the parking and shuttles? What worked for you? What can we improve on for next time?

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* 6. How was the line getting into the Ciderbration at the gate? How can we improve for next time?

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* 7. What did you think of the food options? What was the best one? What other food trucks or food styles should we consider for next time?

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* 8. What was the best thing about Ciderbration for you?

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* 9. What was the most frustrating thing about Ciderbration for you?

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* 10. Finally, what do you think? Should we do this again?


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* 11. What bands should we have next time around?