HFA Hepatitis C Member Survey 2014-5 INTRODUCTION Are you an Australian with hep C and a bleeding disorder? Or a partner/family member?Please help us to tell the Australian Government what impact hepatitis C has on you and your life – and what strategies would help to improve your situation.The Australian Government House of Representatives Standing Committee on Health is conducting an inquiry into hepatitis C in Australia. HFA will make a submission on the issues for the bleeding disorders community.WHAT IS THE INQUIRY INVESTIGATING?The Inquiry is looking at particular aspects, including: How common hepatitis C is in Australia The costs associated with treating the short term and long term impacts of hepatitis C Methods to improve prevention of new hepatitis C infections And methods to reduce the stigma with a positive diagnosis through: The public health system Public health awareness and prevention campaigns Non-government organisation health awareness and prevention programs. For more information, go to www.aph.gov.au/hepatitisC. HOW CAN YOU HELP?To write the HFA submission, we need real life examples. Your answers to these questions will help us to explain the impact of hepatitis C on you and others in your situation, and strategies that have worked for you.Please complete the survey below by Wednesday 18 February 2014.All personal information you send to HFA will be treated confidentially. Any information we show to government will not identify individuals but will explain the types of impacts people with bleeding disorders have experienced.WHAT IF YOU HAVE OTHER QUESTIONS?You may find that documenting this information raises questions or sensitive issues for you that you want to discuss further. Who can help you with this? The Haemophilia Social Worker or Counsellor at your Haemophilia Centre Your local Hepatitis Council (see www.hepatitisaustralia.com for contact details) Lifeline – ph 13 11 14. You are also welcome to contact Haemophilia Foundation Australia to discuss this further – phone 1800 807 173 or email socallaghan@haemophilia.org.au. Next