Exit this survey >> Question Title Informed Consent The following study is designed to assess college students’ perceptions of their creativity. This study is being conducted by Dr. James C. Kaufman, Associate Professor of Psychology at the California State University, San Bernardino (CSUSB). This study has been reviewed and approved by the Institutional Review Board of CSUSB. The University requires that you give your consent before participating in this study. In this study you will be asked to complete a survey asking for your opinion on your own creativity and creativity in general. The tasks and packets should take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. All of your responses will be anonymous. At no time will your name be requested or recorded during your participation. Presentation of the results will be reported in a group format only. Upon completion of this study, you may receive a report of the group results. Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You are free to withdrawal your participation at any time during the study without penalty. You are also free to remove any data at any time. This study entails no risks beyond those routinely encountered in daily life, nor does it provide any direct benefits to individual participants. When you complete the survey, you will receive a debriefing statement describing the study in more detail and, if you are a CSUSB student, at your instructor’s discretion, you may receive 1 unit of extra credit. If you have any questions concerning this survey, the results, or your participation in this research please feel free to contact Dr. James C. Kaufman at (909) 537-3841 or jkaufman@csusb.edu.By clicking on the "Yes, I agree to the above consent form." button below, I acknowledge that I have been informed of, and that I understand, the nature and purpose of this study, and I freely consent to participate. I also acknowledge that I am at least 18 years of age.If you do not agree with the above consent form, you may click on the "No, I don't agree to the above consent form." and you will be able to exit the survey. NOTE: IRB has been renewed and is valid until January 21, 2012. Question Title Please select one. Yes, I agree to the above consent form. No, I don't agree to the above consent form. 10% of survey complete. Next >>