Hello and thanks for taking our Beer Book survey. Answering these questions will help us make the next round of Beer Books even more amazing. And please keep your eyes on Brokelyn to find out when the next edition goes on sale. Cheers!

Question Title

* 1. Which Beer Book did you have?

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* 2. How did you get the Beer Book?

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* 3. Which bars from the 2013 Beer Book were your favorites?

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* 4. How many coupons did you ultimately redeem?

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* 5. How often did you stay at a bar and order more drinks after using your coupon?

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* 6. When did you use your Beer Book coupons? (choose all that apply)

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* 7. Would you buy a Beer Book again?

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* 8. Would you recommend it to someone else?

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* 9. Did you have any problems redeeming a coupon? If so, where? What happened?

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* 10. Where there any bars that you didn't love? Why not?

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* 11. What suggestions do you have for improving our Beer Book experience?

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* 12. Finally, which bars do you want to see in the 2014 Brokelyn Beer Book?