We need your views. Thank you for coming on-line to fill in our survey.

Question Title

* Please rate these priorities (tick your top three)

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* What do you like about West Hampstead? (tick your top three)

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* What don't you like about West Hampstead (tick your top three)

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* What community services/facilities is West Hampstead lacking?

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* And finally, what would you like to change in West Hampstead

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* We would like to capture views of all sections of our community. To help us monitor how successful we are in doing so please provide the following information (tick where appropriate)

Your age group:

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* Your postcode/street

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* How many people in your household?

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* How many years have you lived in this area

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* To be entered into our prize draw, please give your name and house number

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* To be added to the NDF mailing list, please add your email