
As described in regulation from 2013, New York State hospitals are required to collect, use and report quality measures related to the recognition and treatment of patients with severe sepsis and septic shock. In addition to reporting data sufficient to evaluate adherence to protocols, the submitted data permits the Department to develop risk-adjusted severe sepsis and septic shock mortality rates in consultation with expert stakeholders. NYSDOH regulation, reflecting definitions from the International Sepsis Definitions Conference, includes the following definitions:

Sepsis is defined as ‘a proven or suspected infection accompanied by a systemic inflammatory response.’

Severe sepsis, for adults, is defined as ‘sepsis plus at least one sign of hypoperfusion or organ dysfunction’; for pediatrics as ‘sepsis plus one of the following: cardiovascular organ dysfunction or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or two or more organ dysfunctions.'

Septic shock, for adults, is defined as ‘severe sepsis with persistent hypotension or cardiovascular organ dysfunction despite adequate IV fluid resuscitation’; for pediatrics as ‘severe sepsis and cardiovascular dysfunction despite adequate IV fluid resuscitation.’

This survey is intended to more fully understand and improve ongoing severe sepsis and septic shock adult and pediatric case identification and hospital reporting of such cases under this initiative.

There are two parts in this survey. The first part is for adult patients, and the second is for pediatrics. If your answers are the same for both adults and pediatrics, then you can fill out the first part, skip the second, and provide your contact information at the end of the survey. 
6% of survey complete.