Focus Discussion Groups About Neighborhood Issues In East Boston - Receive $100!

New England Opinion is seeking East Boston residents to take part in informal focus group discussions about neighborhood issues. Participants will receive $100 at the end of our conversation lasting up to two hours. To take part you must live in East Boston, and be available on Thursday, January 12th in the evening or late afternoon. We will be meeting in East Boston. Please let us know you are interested by answering the following questions.

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1. How long have you lived in East Boston? (You must currently live in East Boston to take part in this neighborhood focus group about East Boston community issues.)

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2. Do you own or rent your home?

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3. What is your gender?

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4. How old are you?

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5. Are you registered to vote?

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6. If you had to choose, which comes closest to describing you when it comes to political issues?

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7. How interested are you in following local news that impacts your neighborhood?

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8. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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9. What is your employment status?

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10. What is your occupation or profession? (If not currently working but have done so in the past, please indicate the type of work you did. If you are a student, please describe what you hope to do when you graduate.)

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11. Which of the following best describes you?

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12. Do you have school aged children, who attend grades K-12?

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13. Your name:

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14. Daytime phone number, if we may call you during the day:

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15. Evening phone number, if we may call you in the evening:

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16. Preferred E-mail address (to be used only for research correspondence, and not to be shared with others):

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17. Which of these times are you available to attend a two hour focus group discussion iin East Boston on Thursday, January 12th? (please indicate all of the times that you can be available..

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18. How did you hear about this?