1. Health and Medical Decision Making--General

I am conducting a study about how patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers handle uncertainty when they make medical decisions (UHD CPHS #26-14).

You have accessed the questionnaire for PATIENTS & CAREGIVERS. Here is the link to the questionnaire for healthcare providers: http://svy.mk/1pGZKTn

Please volunteer to participate in this online questionnaire where you share your experiences pertaining to this topic.

In this questionnaire, you have the option to volunteer or withhold whatever details you see fit. You are not required to provide any details that you do not feel comfortable or permitted to share. Your participation will help improve models for making more effective healthcare decision products.

The questionnaire asks questions for inclusion into the study, about demographics, and about how people handle making medical decisions in the face of uncertainty. None of your answers will be linked to any personal or identifying information about you. Feel free to keep your answers brief--1 to 2 sentences each.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at roundtreea@uhd.edu or 713-222-5315. In order to be included in this study, please read the informed consent information.
The purpose of the research is to examine how providers, patients, and caregivers handle uncertainty when they make health decisions.

Minor, foreseeable risks could include possible discomforts involve sharing my demographic information and remembering experiences with uncertain health and medical decisions. The study is anonymous to minimize the risk and discomfort. You can choose to share only those details that I feel comfortable and able to share. Non-participation or withdrawal from the study will not be penalized in any way.

No direct benefits to participants. The info will help researchers and developers better understand how providers and patients make health decisions and handle medical uncertainty and help them understand how to design better decision aids for health education and outreach. I will not be paid for my participation. If I am recruited by SurveyMonkey Audience services, they offer non-cash rewards for questionnaire completion.

The data in this study will be confidential. You consent by clicking "Yes I consent" below. Names and other identifiers will not be placed on surveys or other research data. The results may be published, but my no identifiable information will be shared or linked to the result.

This research is being conducted by Aimee Roundtree, Associate Professor, UHD, One Main Street, 1041-South, Houston, TX 77002, 713-222-5315, roundtreea@uhd.edu. Contact her to ask questions and report research problems.

You may contact the UHD CPHS Review Board, through Dr. Ryan Pepper, Associate Professor, at 713-221-8467 or pepperr@uhd.edu. (CPHS #26-14) if you have questions or comments regarding your rights as a survey participant.

The research has been reviewed according to University of Houston-Downtown Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects procedures governing your participation in this research and requirements of the Federal Government.

By selecting "YES, I CONSENT" below, I certify that I have been explained the nature and purpose, the potential benefits and possible risks associated with participation in this research study.

Question Title

* 1. Do you consent to participate in this study?