OSA is in the process of evaluating, and potentially upgrading, our Seed Producers Database. Whether you’ve used this online tool before or not, please take two minutes to answer this short survey to help us determine the value of this database. As background, this tool was established to serve organic seed producers in search of new contracts and markets for their products and seed companies in search of organic seed producers. Organic farmers looking for bulk quantities of organic seed have also used the database as have growers looking to network with other seed producers in their region or crop focus. By creating a log-in, database members can easily search seed producers by crop type, certified organic versus non-organic, region, type of production, and acreage available for seed crops. If it’s determined that this database is an important networking tool, we will quickly move forward with necessary upgrades and promotion to ensure its success and wide use. Thank you for taking two minutes to answer our short survey.

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* 1. Which best describes you?

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* 2. Are you a member of the Seed Producers Database?

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* 3. How many years have you been a member of the Seed Producers Database?

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* 4. Which best describes how often you use the Seed Producers Database?

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* 5. If you are a member how often have you updated your profile?

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* 6. Have you secured contracts for seed production through the Seed Producers Database?

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* 7. Has membership in the Seed Producers Database resulted directly in sales/transactions for your farm or seed company?

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* 8. How would you prefer your Seed Producers Database profile be managed in the future?

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* 9. Do you see value in Organic Seed Alliance maintaining the Seed Producers Database on into the future with necessary upgrades and promotion?

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* 10. How could the Seed Producers database be improved? Check all that apply.

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* 11. Has the Seed Producers Database been useful as a networking tool?

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* 12. Do you use other online networking tools for connecting with seed growers and seed companies for the purpose of securing contracts?

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* 13. Do you use other online networking tools for sourcing organic seed?

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* 14. Which networking features would you use if incorporated into the Seed Producers Database? Check all that apply.

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* 15. Please share additional feedback about the Seed Producers Database. This feedback can include ideas for other online tools you would find helpful as a seed grower or seed company.