Past Winners of this contest are not eligible. Question Title * 1. Department/Group Information Group: Location: Contact Name: Contact Email: Contact Phone: Question Title * 2. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle:Does your group or department....(Please select all that apply) Use paper, plastic and aluminum recycling bins? Recycle Cardboard? For student groups, do you utilize the cardboard and packaging materials recycling in the campus post office? Recycle ink and toner cartridges, batteries and/or cell phones? Communicate electronically and print only when needed? Share and edit documents electronically (i.e. Google docs, Sharepoint, shared drives, using track changes, etc.)? Always print double-sided? Use reusable mugs and cups instead of using disposable bottles? Buy paper products with at least 30% recycled content? If this question is not applicable for your group, please check the box. Purchase recycled or remanufactured laser toner and ink cartridges and green office supples? If this question is not applicable for your group, please check the box. Question Title * 3. Energy and Water SavingsDoes your group or department....(Please select all that apply) Take the stairs instead of using an elevator? Turn off the lights when everyone leaves a room, including common areas (i.e. kitchens, bathrooms, etc.)? Use daylight instead of turning on lights, whenever possible? Program computer, fax/copy machines, and printers to their energy-saving settings including "sleep mode"? Whenever possible, unplug electronics and equipment from the wall when not in use? If you can control your thermostat, set the thermostat on at least 75F in the summer and 68F or lower in the winter? Turn off the water when it is not in use? Report hot or cold spots, water leaks, broken toilets and dripping faucets? Question Title * 4. TransportationDoes your group or department....(Please select all that apply) Walk or bike to or on campus? This includes going to and from campus, lunch, class, or meetings on campus. Take public transportation including the MTA "Ride to Work" Program, the Music City Star Commuter Train, cabs, VandyVans OR Carpool/Vanpool? Question Title * 5. Use the space below, and extra pages if needed, to describe how your department, organization or group is going above and beyond to make Vanderbilt's campus more sustainable. What do you do that's different, cool, unique, and that we could share with others to improve Vandy's sustainability? Done