Thanks for your help!
This survey is designed to help parents secure the best after school babysitter/nanny care for their children who attend preschool, daycare, primary or middle school (at least part time). It MAY be more difficult to find someone to do pickup and after school care than a full time nanny who works 35+ hours. We're looking for information about how people find caregivers to do do these jobs and advice you have for others going through your experience!

NOTE: We are using sitter and nanny interchangeably, but sticking with "sitter" for ease. We also realize that there are male as well as female sitters, but we use female pronouns for ease.

Thanks in advance-- we'll post a summary of tips on the PSP Website as well as posting to our advice list!


PSP Survey Team
Melissa, Rachel and Susan

Question Title

* 1. Let's start with HOW you found someone...
What did you do in order to find your after school nanny/babysitter?

Question Title

* 2. How difficult would you say it was to find an after school sitter?

Question Title

* 3. Why did you choose this sitter and/or arrangement? (Include here if the sitter works other jobs -- babysitting or otherwise-- and how long you think the job will last).

Question Title

* 4. Please tell us a bit more about your after school sitter/babysitters schedule and hours.

Question Title

* 5. What is the hourly rate you pay your afterschool sitter? (please include only the number, not $).

Question Title

* 6. How much do you typically pay a week for your afterschool sitter?

Question Title

* 7. About how old is your afterschool sitter?

Question Title

* 8. Do you give your after school sitter a guaranteed amount each week? (Please explain your answer and elaborate on anything relevant).

Question Title

* 9. Do you have a work agreement in place with this sitter? That is, do you have something written about responsibilities, pay, vacations, etc. that you have gone over with this person, whether or not you've signed it.

Question Title

* 10. What do you do during school vacations and summer? That is, do you pay 52 weeks a year or just the weeks she works? Why did you choose this arrangment?

Question Title

* 11. What do you do in cases where there is a shorter day or no school? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 12. What are your sitter's job responsibilities?

Question Title

* 13. Was your after school sitter also your full time sitter in the past?

Question Title

* 14. How much do you agree with the following statements?

  Strongly disagree somewhat disagree somwhat agree Strongly agree
I'm very happy with my after school sitter
I trust my after school sitter's judgment and have no worries what might happen in an emergency situation
I'm worried that my sitter might quit with little notice
I absolutely trust my after school sitters judgment
I feel like I'm paying a lot for an afterschool sitter

Question Title

* 15. What advice would you give to folks who are trying to find an after school sitter? (Include here what you might have done differently, what you love about your current situation, what you would change about your current situation.)

Question Title

* 16. Do you pay your after school sitter on the books? (Just a reminder that we don't collect any identifying information on our surveys).