2013 Alfalfa Winter Kill Survey for Crop Consultants Question Title * 1. Where are the winter killed or injured alfalfa fields located? South eastern MN South western MN East central MN West central MN North eastern MN North western MN South eastern WI South western WI East central WI West central WI North eastern WI North western WI Question Title * 2. How many alfalfa (and grass) acres in your region have been affected by winter kill or injury? Less than 100 acres 101 to 500 acres 501 to 2,000 acres 2,001 to 5,000 acres More than 5,000 acres Question Title * 3. What is the extent of the alfalfa winter kill or injury? None 10-20% 21-40% 41-60% 61-80% 81-100% Question Title * 4. The distribution of the alfalfa winter kill or injury was (for fields with greater than 25% loss) Confined to low spots Confined to south facing slopes Confined to north facing slopes Randomly distributed Entire field Question Title * 5. How old was the injured alfalfa stand? Seeding year 1st production year 2nd production year 3rd or more production year Question Title * 6. How many times was the injured alfalfa stand cut in 2012? 2 times 3 times 4 times 5 or more times Question Title * 7. What was the closest date of the final cut? September 1 September 15 October 1 October 15 Question Title * 8. How much stubble was found in the injured alfalfa stand in November 2012? 0 to 6 inches 7 to 12 inches 13 to 18 inches Greater than 18 inches Question Title * 9. What was the soil potassium (K) level in the injured alfalfa stand in fall 2012? Low Medium High Question Title * 10. Was the affected alfalfa planted alone or in a mixture with grass? Alone In a mixture with grass Question Title * 11. Check or list other grasses and legumes that suffered winter kill or injury Orchardgrass Tall fescue Red clover Unknown/mixed grass Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. What weather events do you think caused the alfalfa winter kill or injury? Dry fall Rain and/or freezing rain during winter 2012/2013 Lack of snow cover Other (please specify) Done