The XBRL Standards Board (XSB) is beginning to shape their plan for the upcoming year. In the process of doing this we would like to take a moment to hear from the members as to what is important to their success with XBRL.

Please take a moment to complete this survey, any feedback is appreciated!

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* 1. My Region is:

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* 2. Opportunities are available to me to provide reviews and input requirements to the specification

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* 3. The XBRL Standards Board (XSB) is a trusted resource for projects, tools and service offering information

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* 4. My investment in XBRL in 2014 will be

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* 5. In 2014 my organisation will invest in

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* 6. The XBRL specification has evolved to meet my customer and technology needs

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* 7. The XBRL Specification capitalizes on technology and reporting trends

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* 8. Which technology and business reporting trends will influence how XBRL is used, or will present potential opportunities for standardisation?

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* 9. What do you see as the most important practical challenges with using XBRL at present?

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* 10. I would like to see the XBRL Standards Board (XSB) spend more time on: