Question Title

* 1. Name / Library / County

Please rate the importance of the following activities, services, and programs currently provided by/through WVLS.

Question Title

* 2. Reference, Referral & ILL [Wis. Stats. 43.24(2)(b)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1. Provide reference and interlibrary loan referrals.
2. Participate in state level agreement with major book jobber(s) which allow publicly supported libraries of all types to purchase materials at maximum discounts.
3. Help member libraries with weeding and/or inventory projects.
4. Create web bibliographies and tools on a variety of topics useful to WVLS library staff and trustees on the WVLS web site.
5. Provide authentication services for WVLS databases offered to the public.
6. Select, catalog and add appropriate reference web sites to the V-Cat catalog.

Question Title

* 3. Inservice Training & Consultation [Wis. Stats. 43.24(2)(e) and (h)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1. Monitor new developments in long-distance collaborative environments that would enhance delivery of training and facilitation of group meetings.
2. Conduct workshops for member library personnel and trustees.
3. Maintain calendar of continuing education events.
4. Provide consultant services to libraries of all types in the areas of: public library administration and governance, adult/youth services, building/remodeling, automation, staff development, planning / evaluation / standards, collection development, legislative and legal issues.
5. Provide grant writing guidance and support.
6. Provide customized training sessions in efficient/effective use of: V-Cat, WVLS databases, OverDrive, BadgerLink, WisCat.
7. Continue to host annual gathering of public library directors.
8. Continue to develop WVLS and member library staffs' technology-related skills.
9. Provide and promote online learning opportunities.

Question Title

* 4. Delivery & Communication [Wis. Stats. 43.24 (2)(fm)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1. Continue to subsidize two courier stops/week to each member public library and V-Cat service site.
2. Publish the WVLS newsletter, Digital Lites, as a blog on the WVLS web site. With each new post, send email notice via WISPUBLIB and the WVLS- max listservs.
3. Produce and distribute annual statistical report.
4. Produce and distribute annual county benefits reports.
5. Keep web-based Directory of Libraries and Librarians updated.
6. Promote WVLS' and state-level resources that are available electronically (ebooks, BadgerLinik, WVLS web site, databases, workshops, etc.) Hold info sessions in individual member counties upon request.
7. Employ technologies/methods that would make communications to/from area libraries more efficient and cost effective.
In response to public library systems' pleas to reduce costs, the South Central Library System has offered to reduce their 5-days/week intersystem courier service to 4- or 3-days/week in 2012. Since most member public libraries currently receive 3-days/week intrasystem courier service from Waltco, and because the vast majority of materials are shipped from one in-system library to another, the reduction in delivery service by SCLS might not be felt by many of our members. NOTE: Intersystem courier ships WisCat/OCLC interlibrary loan items to WVLS; intrasystem courier ships WisCat/OCLC and Horizon interlibrary loan items from WVLS to member libraries as well as Horizon interlibrary loan items from one member library to another.

Question Title

* 5. How important is SCLS courier service to your library?

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
5 days/week
4 days/week
3 days/week

Question Title

* 6. Collection Development [Wis. Stats. 43.24(2)(i)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1a. Provide access to electronic resources to meet the needs and demands of area library users and to back up the collections of member libraries. Ancestry ($4,190)
1b. Provide access to electronic resources to meet the needs and demands of area library users and to back up the collections of member libraries. Opposing View Points ($6,518)
1c. Provide access to electronic resources to meet the needs and demands of area library users and to back up the collections of member libraries. Novelist Select ($1,440) - integrates the Novelist Plus Readers Advisory Database into the V-Cat catalog.
1d. Provide access to electronic resources to meet the needs and demands of area library users and to back up the collections of member libraries. EBSCO Bundle (Novelist Plus, Hobbies & Crafts, Home Improvement, Small Engine Repair - $8,850)
2a. Continue to budget for and provide deposit collections of materials to area libraries, nursing homes and elderly housing units: Large Print Books
2b. Continue to budget for and provide deposit collections of materials to area libraries, nursing homes and elderly housing units: Audiobooks
3. Promote collaborative collection development among member libraries to ensure subject coverage of popular topics.
4. Continue membership in the Wisconsin Public Library Consortium to provide access to e-content (books, audios and videos).
5. Subscribe to professional journals and route to interested member libraries.
6. Continue to share reader's advisory/collection development information with area libraries.
7. Encourage the digitization of local history materials and access to these materials
If WVLS were to discontinue funding one or more of the databases listed under #1a, #1b. #1c. and #1d., would your library allocate funding to continue the subscription(s)? __________ Yes __________ No

Question Title

* 7. If yes, for which database(s)?

Question Title

* 8. If not, why not?

Question Title

* 9. Library Advocacy [Wis. Stats. 43.24(2)(i)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1. Encourage members of the WVLS library community to attend WLA's Library Legislative Day to visit with legislators who have constituents in WVLS territory, as well as creating in-district opportunities for dialog and engagement with legislators.
2. Update the WVLS web listing of resources/links that may be helpful to area libraries in their local/regional/state-wide advocacy efforts.
3. Mentor members of the WVLS library community engaged in local advocacy activities with municipal and county elected officials.
4. Encourage members of the WVLS library community to develop a network of citizen library advocates who can be strategically deployed as needed.
5. Advocate at the state level for public library initiatives.
6. Provide regular updates to members of the WVLS library community about legislative matters with potential impact upon library funding and services.

Question Title

* 10. Youth Services [Wis. Stats. 43.24(2)(i)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1. Continue financial support of the Children's Book Fest to encourage quality collection development in local children's/YA collections.
2. Sponsor annual Summer Library Program workshop to help libraries develop appropriate SLP activities.
3. Partially subsidize a performer at member libraries' summer reading programs.
4. Meet with youth services staff from member libraries to determine grants, focus of CE workshops, and direction for future projects.

Question Title

* 11. Special Needs [Wis. Stats. 43.24(2)(k)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1. Provide consultant service to assist member libraries in identifying needs, goals, and objectives for creating accessible libraries and services for persons with special needs.
2. Encourage member library cooperation/partnerships with schools, county agencies and community organizations serving persons with special needs.
3. Apply for and administer awarded grants which help libraries develop and support the provision of services and materials for users with special needs.
4. Support member library outreach efforts to extend services to underserved populations.
5. Enhance and strengthen public library services to adolescents most at risk of illiteracy.
6. Assist member libraries in creating and maintaining ADA accessible public computer workstations and in exploring new technologies to serve users with special needs.

Question Title

* 12. Other Types of Libraries [Wis. Stats. 43.24(2)(L)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1. Continue to sponsor the WVLS Library Advisory Committee.
2. Provide consultant services to all types of libraries in the WVLS area.
3 Provide reference and interloan services to all types of libraries in the WVLS area.
4. Partner with all types of libraries in the WVLS area to provide workshop, training and resource sharing opportunities to area libraries.
5. Facilitate coopertion and communication between school and public libraries.

Question Title

* 13. Technology and Resource Sharing [Wis. Stats. 43.24(2)(m)]

  Not at all Important Slightly Important Moderately Important Very Important Critical
1. Continue to offer consultant services in the area of technology and sharing of resources.
2. Be alert to and apply for grant funds that would help WVLS and/or member libraries to purchase/install/implement new technologies.
3. Annually apply for and administer the LSTA technology grants.
4. Monitor development in the TEACH Wisconsin program, FCC telecommunication discounts, BadgerNet, etc, as they apply to WVLS area libraries.
5. Help member libraries make the Internet available to the general public.
6. Continue to improve the infrastructure supporting WVLS information technology.
7. Continue to evaluate and improve the WVLS web site to provide an effective means of communication within WVLS.
8. Offer web hosting services to member libraries.
9. Continue to work with the V-Cat Migration Committee to implement and develop features of the new ILS (Integrated Library System).
10. Administer the V-Cat program. This includes developing and monitoring V-Cat budget; offering training opportunities and resources; managing the database; offering library customization services for V-Cat libraries; providing appropriate ILS circulation and interloan statistics; and hosting V-Cat Council meetings.
11. Continue to investigate and implement enhancements to the automated system that benefit area library staff and patrons.
12. Investigate organizational structures and funding mechanisms of other ILS consortia in the state for best practices and optimized governance.
13. Work with V-Cat committees to standardize V-Cat policies, procedures and practices among member libraries.
14. Encourage libraries to consider RFID, self-checks and other new technologies. Investigate group pricing options.
15. Offer training opportunities for area library personnel whenever new technologies are implemented and/or when staff changes require training or review.
16. Maintain a digitization workflow and offer services to member libraries to help implement this workflow.
17. Develop services which help member libraries purchase appropriate computers, network hardware and software.
18. Develop technical support services for computers and computer related hardware, software and networks.
Additional Questions Related to WVLS Services and Programs

Question Title

* 14. What issues most concern your library at this time? How might WVLS help?

Question Title

* 15. What services provided by WVLS are essential?

Question Title

* 16. What services provided by WVLS are nonessential?

Question Title

* 17. What should the system look like in ten years? (Specify what you feel will be the most important roles for WVLS to emphasize.)

Question Title

* 18. Are there additional, previously unmentioned ways in which WVLS could support the needs of your library?

Question Title

* 19. What other comments or suggestions would you like to make regarding the current performance and future direction of WVLS?

Questions Related to Library Friends and Library Board Activities

Question Title

* 20. Does your library have a volunteer group? (Y/N) _______________

Question Title

* 21. If your library does not have a Friends group or foundation, would you like help with and/or information on starting one?

Question Title

* 22. If your library has a Friends group and/or foundation, would you like help with and/or information on revitalizing it?

Question Title

* 23. If your library has a Friends group and/or foundation, would you like help with and/or information on revitalizing it?