Thanks for your interest in this study! This study is divided into two parts. You will only be able to participate in one part.

PART 1: There is a focus group taking place at a hotel in the Gold Coast on Thursday, April 24th from 4:00 - 6:00 PM. The group will last for two hours, we would require that you complete an extensive homework exercise beforehand and we will mail you a check for $175 as the incentive.

PART 2: Our research team will join you and four of your friends on a night out at a bar on the evening of Thursday, April 24th. The study will last for five hours and the research team will be covering the cost of taxis and food at the bar. Everyone will need to qualify for the study and complete an extensive homework assignment. You will be compensated with a check for $350 and each of your friends will receive a check for $250. The incentive checks will be mailed to you after the study is complete.

If you're interested in participating, please fill out the survey below. A recruiter will give you a call with some follow-up questions if it appears that we can use you in the study.

Thanks again for your time!

Question Title

* 1. About You.

Question Title

* 2. What is your gender?

Question Title

* 3. Which of the following categories includes your current age?