Get the right product-market fit with customer, market, and product insights from SurveyMonkey.
Trusted by 260K+ organizations worldwide
Collect critical feedback from potential customers to validate a concept and create a process for iterative refinement that helps you achieve strong product-market fit and a successful launch.
Conduct market research to determine where your product fits relative to competitors. Collect data to help you size the market, explore consumer perceptions around competitive products, test pricing, and more.
Ask customers about features or product improvements they want so you can prioritize your roadmap for the biggest impact. Customers can easily rank their requests in order from most important to least important.
Get actionable feedback on your product or service before you go to market.
Conduct competitor analysis to assess your target market and competitive landscape.
Measure Net Promoter Score® (NPS) to assess strengths and weaknesses.
Quickly test and prioritize early-stage product or creative ideas with your target audience.
Get your product concepts, feature optimizations, and ideas validated by a trusted audience.
SurveyMonkey Enterprise provides additional features like IT administration, SSO, user controls and permissions, HIPAA compliance and more.
NPS, Net Promoter & Net Promoter Score are registered trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company and Fred Reichheld.