Any comments, opinions, information about your overall wellness or / and benefits experienced with the use of product demonstration trial?
Answered: 6
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Alzheimer's diagnosis that seems to be much more stable with this product.
02:20 AM
Beginning to show improvement but will soon be out of product.
09:13 PM
Your product did not seem to improve any of my issues.
08:24 PM
I only took the product for two weeks and I did notice a substantial difference in mood and focus with just two sprays per nostril within half an hour. The effects can last for four hours. I took two spray pumps per nostril per day and observed a modest improvement after that but that is probably because I got used to an improved baseline. I seem to have more rigor and stamina to complete tasks at work, and doing chorse and sleep better. I used to get up in the middle of the night but somehow the product provides me with uninterrupted sleep for 8 hours and wake up around 5:30am each day. Other than that, the product may work in the long term since I took it for two weeks only.
03:56 PM
The spray applicator is not very effective. I would improve it if possible.
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