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Frame vs Frameless SRS

If you perform Cranial SRS, do use a Frame (pins into skull) or Frameless (no pins into skull) system?

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Q2 w

If Frameless, what Frameless system do you use?

  • Answered: 15
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6/3/2015 08:26 AM
6/2/2015 10:05 AM
Brainlab Frameless
6/1/2015 01:48 PM
6/1/2015 12:39 PM
on conventional linacs patients are immobilised in a standard 3 point thermoplastic shell (previously the relocatable GTC frame), and perform daily online imaging using exactrac + corrections using a 6D couch
6/1/2015 10:02 AM
6/1/2015 09:11 AM
6/1/2015 08:53 AM
Brain lab mask exac track
5/30/2015 08:46 AM
5/29/2015 08:45 PM
standard thermoplastic shell with body markers
5/29/2015 04:08 PM
Q3 w

Please add any comments regarding Frame versus Frameless SRS.

  • Answered: 10
  • Skipped: 6
I have had experience in other centres with frame - Frameless less invasive for the patient - better patietn experience
6/2/2015 10:05 AM
Frameless has allowed us to treat fractionated cases, allows flexible planning schedules and is generally well tolerated.
6/1/2015 12:39 PM
we also assessed inter-fraction motion by acquiring extra images after each floor angle to start with. Rosenfelder et al, Practical Radiotherapy Oncology (2013) 3, 171-170.
6/1/2015 10:02 AM
We went almost frameless when we commisioned the Novalis ( previously mM3) December 2013, we continued to do frames as these patients were already booked. Now we only do frames on particular patients, we will be stopping soon, as there now is a competency issue.
6/1/2015 09:11 AM
Great for patient pathway, spend less time in mask than frame. Can be taken on and off, which is great if patient is nervous or claustriphobic.
6/1/2015 08:53 AM
Felt pts would be reluctant for frame. Aids scheduling and what better frame than the skull itself. Literature is definitive also
5/30/2015 08:46 AM
I'm from Canberra in Australia, we've been doing cranial stereo for nearly 3 years, we started out frameless.
5/29/2015 08:45 PM
Study published comparing this approach with the radionics relocatable frame system.
5/29/2015 04:08 PM
Novalis/iPlan/6D couch/Exactrac since 2011 always with frameless.
5/29/2015 03:46 PM