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Using surveys to restore, evolve, and transform your campus

In this session featured at the Association of Institutional Research’s Annual conference, we presented new findings on students' opinions across the country around safety on-campus, distance learning, and how they think education should look post-pandemic. Led by SurveyMonkey Senior Research Specialist, Austin Pettis, we dive into what this research means and how to use surveys to support your campus this fall as institutions reimagine what the future of school and work looks like post-pandemic.

In this webinar, you'll learn key takeaways on which questions you should be asking, survey methodologies to improve response rates, and how to take action on your data. We’ll also cover COVID-specific use cases for surveys like symptom tracking, wellness check-ins, distance learning, and more.

Get tactical tips on how to integrate surveys into your plans to enable a safer campus and workplace for staff and students.