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* 1. Full Name:

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* 2. Contact details- Phone Number, Email address:

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* 3. Dogs name, Breed and Age:

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* 4. Have they been groomed before? If so, give details:

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* 5. How often do you have them groomed?

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* 6. Does your dog have any behavioural issues I need to be made aware of? Separation anxiety, reactivity, nervousness around other dogs etc.

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* 7. Does your dog allow maintenance grooming at home? Eg. Bathing, blow drying, brushing and combing

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* 8. Has you dog had any issues being groomed previously or been given feedback they struggle with any aspects of grooming?

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* 9. Has your dog ever shown any aggression towards you, members of your family or other people? If yes, please specify

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* 10. Any other comments you would like to add to this form regarding you or your pet please add here: