Has your program made a special impact on someone in the community? Has a team member gone above and beyond to make the world a better place for young people? Share a success moment from this summer with MCCOY and we will share it on social media to celebrate your success in youth work.

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* 1. Share your contact information

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* 2. What kind of success story are you highlighting with this submission?

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* 3. Tell us about your success story:

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* 4. Please describe your success story in three paragraphs or less:

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* 5. Does your success story take place at a program funded by the Summer Youth Program Fund (ISYPF, or ISYP)?

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* 6. Share an image related to your nominated success story

PDF, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 7. Please indicate that you have rights/permissions to share this photo, and give MCCOY permission to share on our social media and newsletters to celebrate your program's success.

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* 8. Share briefly how MCCOY's work in the community has impacted you or your organization as a testimonial we can share about our community impact (optional!)