Youth Ministry Leaders in the parish are of great value.

In the life of a young person, the encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ far surpasses any and all experiences that they will have.

Thank you for creating opportunities to foster these encounters with Christ, strengthening the connection with the Church, and for serving in the ways that you do.

Please thoughtfully and accurately complete this survey, as we will be using this information to better understand the landscape of ministry to young people in the six counties that make up the Diocese of Pittsburgh.

Surveys for Youth Ministry Leaders will be distributed every two years.

This survey does require a bit of attention to detail on several of the topics. It is our recommendation that you use this survey as a tool for one month to track some of the items listed and then go online to complete the survey results.

If you are unable to complete the survey online, please send it in to our office and we would be happy to do so for you.

If you have questions about the results of this survey, we will be happy to address them.

In Christ,

Gary Roney, Director of the Department for Youth & Young Adult Ministry