XRAY review of research helped me understand the science.
XRAY review of research helped me understand the science. Strongly agree
XRAY review of research helped me understand the science. Agree
XRAY review of research helped me understand the science. Neither agree nor disagree
XRAY review of research helped me understand the science. Disagree
XRAY review of research helped me understand the science. Strongly disagree
XRAY review of research helped me understand the science. Not applicable
XRAY review of media coverage was informative.
XRAY review of media coverage was informative. Strongly agree
XRAY review of media coverage was informative. Agree
XRAY review of media coverage was informative. Neither agree nor disagree
XRAY review of media coverage was informative. Disagree
XRAY review of media coverage was informative. Strongly disagree
XRAY review of media coverage was informative. Not applicable
XRAY review helped me understand the topic I was interested in.
XRAY review helped me understand the topic I was interested in. Strongly agree
XRAY review helped me understand the topic I was interested in. Agree
XRAY review helped me understand the topic I was interested in. Neither agree nor disagree
XRAY review helped me understand the topic I was interested in. Disagree
XRAY review helped me understand the topic I was interested in. Strongly disagree
XRAY review helped me understand the topic I was interested in. Not applicable
I would use the XRAY program again.
I would use the XRAY program again. Strongly agree
I would use the XRAY program again. Agree
I would use the XRAY program again. Neither agree nor disagree
I would use the XRAY program again. Disagree
I would use the XRAY program again. Strongly disagree
I would use the XRAY program again. Not applicable
XRAY helped me have a conversation with my doctors about my medical options.
XRAY helped me have a conversation with my doctors about my medical options. Strongly agree
XRAY helped me have a conversation with my doctors about my medical options. Agree
XRAY helped me have a conversation with my doctors about my medical options. Neither agree nor disagree
XRAY helped me have a conversation with my doctors about my medical options. Disagree
XRAY helped me have a conversation with my doctors about my medical options. Strongly disagree
XRAY helped me have a conversation with my doctors about my medical options. Not applicable
I asked more questions of health care providers based on information from XRAY.
I asked more questions of health care providers based on information from XRAY. Strongly agree
I asked more questions of health care providers based on information from XRAY. Agree
I asked more questions of health care providers based on information from XRAY. Neither agree nor disagree
I asked more questions of health care providers based on information from XRAY. Disagree
I asked more questions of health care providers based on information from XRAY. Strongly disagree
I asked more questions of health care providers based on information from XRAY. Not applicable
I inquired about a clinical trial I learned about from XRAY.
I inquired about a clinical trial I learned about from XRAY. Strongly agree
I inquired about a clinical trial I learned about from XRAY. Agree
I inquired about a clinical trial I learned about from XRAY. Neither agree nor disagree
I inquired about a clinical trial I learned about from XRAY. Disagree
I inquired about a clinical trial I learned about from XRAY. Strongly disagree
I inquired about a clinical trial I learned about from XRAY. Not applicable
My treatment plan was changed because of information I learned about from XRAY.
My treatment plan was changed because of information I learned about from XRAY. Strongly agree
My treatment plan was changed because of information I learned about from XRAY. Agree
My treatment plan was changed because of information I learned about from XRAY. Neither agree nor disagree
My treatment plan was changed because of information I learned about from XRAY. Disagree
My treatment plan was changed because of information I learned about from XRAY. Strongly disagree
My treatment plan was changed because of information I learned about from XRAY. Not applicable
XRAY helped me understand my current treatment or situation.
XRAY helped me understand my current treatment or situation. Strongly agree
XRAY helped me understand my current treatment or situation. Agree
XRAY helped me understand my current treatment or situation. Neither agree nor disagree
XRAY helped me understand my current treatment or situation. Disagree
XRAY helped me understand my current treatment or situation. Strongly disagree
XRAY helped me understand my current treatment or situation. Not applicable
XRAY helped have a conversation with friends or family about cancer.
XRAY helped have a conversation with friends or family about cancer. Strongly agree
XRAY helped have a conversation with friends or family about cancer. Agree
XRAY helped have a conversation with friends or family about cancer. Neither agree nor disagree
XRAY helped have a conversation with friends or family about cancer. Disagree
XRAY helped have a conversation with friends or family about cancer. Strongly disagree
XRAY helped have a conversation with friends or family about cancer. Not applicable
XRAY helped me better understand a controversial or confusing topic.
XRAY helped me better understand a controversial or confusing topic. Strongly agree
XRAY helped me better understand a controversial or confusing topic. Agree
XRAY helped me better understand a controversial or confusing topic. Neither agree nor disagree
XRAY helped me better understand a controversial or confusing topic. Disagree
XRAY helped me better understand a controversial or confusing topic. Strongly disagree
XRAY helped me better understand a controversial or confusing topic. Not applicable
XRAY helped me understand guidelines or resources related to the topic covered in the article
XRAY helped me understand guidelines or resources related to the topic covered in the article Strongly agree
XRAY helped me understand guidelines or resources related to the topic covered in the article Agree
XRAY helped me understand guidelines or resources related to the topic covered in the article Neither agree nor disagree
XRAY helped me understand guidelines or resources related to the topic covered in the article Disagree
XRAY helped me understand guidelines or resources related to the topic covered in the article Strongly disagree
XRAY helped me understand guidelines or resources related to the topic covered in the article Not applicable