SURVEY INSTRUCTIONS: All registered Xat'sull members are invited to complete this ANONYMOUS survey by March 18, 2021. The survey has 62 questions and is estimated to take approximately 30 minutes to complete. The survey must be completed in one session - i.e. you cannot save your answers part way and come back to it later. Your identity will not be connected to your answers. Please do not include any personally identifying information in your answers. Hitting the submit button at the end of the survey will take you out of the survey to a new page where you can enter your prize contact information if desired. There will be four $100 prizes up for grabs and everyone who completes the survey and prize ballot will be entered into the prize draw. The draw will be held on Monday, March 22, 2021.
Xat'sull Chief and Council will be developing a strategic plan in March 2021. The purpose of the strategic plan is to identify projects and priorities that align with community needs. A copy of the survey results and the draft strategic plan will be shared with community members for further input. 

Questions can be directed to the Band Administrator Craig Smith at or 250-989-2323.  


Question Title

* 1. Are you a registered member of Xat'sull First Nations?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Gender

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* 4. Where do you live most of the time?

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* 5. Who lives in your home with you?

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* 6. What is one word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of how Xat'sull First Nations is now?

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* 7. What is one word or phrase that comes to mind when you think of how you would like Xat'sull First Nations to be in the future?