Light Up the Night 2024 - Community Mural

We invite you to participate in our community survey to provide input on the "Light Up the Night 2024" mural project. This project is funded by the NSW Government under the Vibrant Streets Package – Open Streets Program, to temporarily close streets to vehicles for a day, or a series of days, and open them to people with placemaking activations. It is not an option to divert the funding to projects outside of this scope.

Here’s a detailed overview of the project and how it will benefit our community:

Funding and Support: The "Light Up the Night 2024" project is funded by the NSW Government under the Vibrant Streets Package - Open Streets Program lead by Transport for NSW. This program provides eligible NSW councils with funding of up to $150,000 to temporarily close streets and host placemaking events.

Funding body objectives: The key objectives of the project are to enhance the vibrancy of local streets, foster social and cultural connections, and support local businesses and the creative sector. By temporarily closing streets to vehicles and opening them up for community use, they aim to create inviting and inclusive spaces where people can socialise, connect, and support their local community.

Location Details: The mural will be located on the western side wall of the Grenfell Motel in Forbes street, which is visible from the Mid-Western Highway. This location was chosen to draw visitors into the town centre, encouraging them to stop, relax, and explore what Grenfell has to offer. The wall’s solid foundation and large flat surface make it an ideal canvas for the mural.

Current Portraits: The existing portraits, which are metal sheets fixed to the wall, can be easily removed and relocated without causing any damage. The council will work with the Motel owners to determine an alternate location within Grenfell for these portraits.

Next Step: Council will compile the feedback from the community consultation session held on the 4 July and from this survey into a briefing document, which will be included with the Request for Quote information distributed to interested artists for their quotations. This is the communities opportunity to provide input on the projects brief and scope of design that will be provided to the artists.

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* 1. Community Definition: In your experience, what makes Weddin Shire unique?

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* 2. Mural Objective: What outcomes would you like this new piece of community art to deliver?

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* 3. Mural Ideas: What theme DO you want to see incorporated in the mural?

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* 4. Mural Ideas: What theme do you NOT want to see incorporated in the mural?

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* 5. Mural Style Preferences: Based on the mural examples below, please select your preferred mural style choice:

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* 6. Any other comments?

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* 7. Do you have any suggestions on a new location for the existing portraits? Council will work with the Motel owners to determine an alternate location within Grenfell for these portraits

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* 8. What is your connection to the Weddin Shire? (Select all that apply)

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* 9. What is your age range? (Select one)

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* 10. If you would like to receive an update on this project please add your email address below:

Your input is invaluable in making this mural a true reflection of our community. Thank you for participating!