Rotary Club Passions

We need your assistance in determining which current and future internal and external projects to support and back off of. Please complete the following short questionnaire to assist us in this process. The intent is not to call on you for involvement in these areas so please be candid with this. It is merely to assess what we are passionate about as a club, how passionate we are about these areas, and to begin to have a living map of our connections so we can more easily target specific goals. Thank you.

Question Title

* 1. In What year were you born?

Question Title

* 2. Do you have school aged children?

Question Title

* 3. Do you have grandchildren?

Question Title

* 4. What is the name of your business or organization?

Question Title

* 5. Are you the owner of your business or organization?

Question Title

* 6. If you belong to to a church, mosque or temple please list the name:

Question Title

* 7. If you belong to a Temple, Mosque or Church, what are the 3 main community service projects?

Question Title

* 8. Are you engaged with other philanthropic organizations?

Question Title

* 9. Do you provide to other charities?

Question Title

* 10. Instructions for Questions 12 and 13: Club Jobs and Club Projects

Question Title

* 11. Internal Club Jobs:

  Very Passionate About Mild Passion No Passion But don't mind if we work on it RCD should NOT be working on this
Caring Hands
District Conference Hospitality
Weekly drawing
DG Reception
New Member Society
Orientation Manual
Corporate Membership Team
Member Integration
Camera Crew
Social Media
Public Broadcasting
Media Relations
Polio Plus
Vocational Training Teams (GSE)
Club Grants
Community Partnership
Charitable Trustees
Nominating Commitee
Fund Raising
Run Dunwoody
Governors Ball

Question Title

* 12. RCD Club Projects:

  Very Passionate About This Mildly passionate About This No Passion for this But I'm ok if we work on it. RCD should NOT be working on this
4th of July Hot Dog Stand
GRSP Student
Perimeter College Scholarship
First Responders Fire Extra Food
First Responders Police Extra Food
Fire Dept. Lift
Women's Shelter (extra food)
Water Straws
Rotary Tents
Clay Water Pots
Character Counts
End Human Trafficking & Aids Awareness
Dresden Books
Laws of Life
Special Olympics
Monroe Park
Toys for Tots
Dunwoody Arts Festival
State of the City
4th of July Parade
GRSP Host Family
GRSP Welcome Party
GSRP Leadership Conference
GRSP Foundation
Rotary Youth Exchange Officer
Rotary Youth Exchange Counselor

Question Title

* 13. Potential Rotary Passions: Using the list below, please Rank by number the selected projects from 1 to 22 (1 being your highest rank) that you would be willing to support with either financial resources or service hours.

Question Title

* 14. Other areas of interest not a part of Rotary Focus areas with community partnership potential.  Please again Rank 1-16.

Question Title

* 15. If you have a project/area of interest not listed above, please list it here:

Question Title

* 16. How much of the RCD Annual Charitable Budget should be spent on international vs. local giving?

Question Title

* 17. Do you think that RCD should stay strictly within the RI 6 areas of focus, when the Grant Committee considers Grant Requests or do you wish that we consider any viable project or grant for our local or international giving regardless of the 6 areas of focus?

Question Title

* 18. The Rotary Club of Dunwoody has a Foundation. The Foundation is set up to sustain the club if there are years of extreme financial drought. Some people think we should build a million dollar corpus or base line. Some people think 100,000 is enough and we should find more viable local and international projects for fund and incubate. What is your opinion of how we should spend your donated funds?