Dear WorldWideWomen User,

Your feedback will help us make WorldWideWomen a valuable resource for you and all of our users around the world. Before completing this survey, please make sure you've visited our website and taken some time to explore. Feel free to email additional thoughts to us at Thank you for responding to our survey - we appreciate what you have to say!

Question Title

* 1. Was the purpose of the website instantly clear to you?

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* 2. What were you drawn to do first after getting to the homepage?

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* 3. How satisfied are you with our website's ease of use?

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* 4. Of our current website content, which is most important to you?

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* 5. How useful would WorldWideWomen be to you?

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* 6. Of the following potential enhancements, which would be most appealing to you? Choose all that apply.

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* 7. What are the things that you like most about this new resource?

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* 8. What are your suggestions for how we can improve our website?

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* 9. Did you experience any technical issues with the site?

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* 10. How likely is it that you would recommend our website to a friend or colleague?

Not at all likely
Extremely likely

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* 11. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 12. Please share your email address so we can notify you if you are the winner of our $1,000 drawing.

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* 13. What is your age?

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* 14. What is your gender?

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* 15. In what city do you live?