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* 1. My company's workforce is diverse.

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* 2. My company's leadership is diverse.

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* 3. My company invests time and energy into building a diverse workforce.

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* 4. My identity and perspectives are valued by my supervisor.

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* 5. My identity and perspectives are valued by my coworkers or peers.

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* 6. My identity and perspectives are valued by my company's leadership.

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* 7. My supervisor has meaningful conversations about race, gender, or disability in the workplace.

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* 8. My coworkers or peers have meaningful conversations about race, gender, or disability in the workplace.

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* 9. My company’s leadership have meaningful conversations about race, gender, or disability in the workplace.

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* 10. I feel comfortable asking for a promotion (change in job duties or title) in my current workplace.

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* 11. I feel comfortable providing feedback to my supervisor about their management style.

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* 12. If I was mistreated because of my race, gender, or disability, I would feel comfortable talking to my supervisor or team about it.

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* 13. If I was mistreated because of my race, gender, or disability, my supervisor or team would encourage me to report it.

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* 14. I regularly experience microaggressions at work.

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* 15. My company takes direct actions to address discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of members of a marginalized group.

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* 16. I feel mentally or emotionally safe in my workplace.

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* 17. I would recommend my workplace to my peers.

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* 18. My workplace stress affects my relationships with family, friends, or coworkers.

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* 19. My workplace stress affects my mental health (i.e., anxiety, depression, substance use).

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* 20. I am actively looking for a new position.

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* 21. Tell us how your workplace is supportive or unsupportive. (Optional)

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