Workplace Mental Health Survey

1.My company's workforce is diverse.
2.My company's leadership is diverse.
3.My company invests time and energy into building a diverse workforce.
4.My identity and perspectives are valued by my supervisor.
5.My identity and perspectives are valued by my coworkers or peers.
6.My identity and perspectives are valued by my company's leadership.
7.My supervisor has meaningful conversations about race, gender, or disability in the workplace.
8.My coworkers or peers have meaningful conversations about race, gender, or disability in the workplace.
9.My company’s leadership have meaningful conversations about race, gender, or disability in the workplace.
10.I feel comfortable asking for a promotion (change in job duties or title) in my current workplace.
11.I feel comfortable providing feedback to my supervisor about their management style.
12.If I was mistreated because of my race, gender, or disability, I would feel comfortable talking to my supervisor or team about it.
13.If I was mistreated because of my race, gender, or disability, my supervisor or team would encourage me to report it.
14.I regularly experience microaggressions at work.
15.My company takes direct actions to address discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination is defined as the unjust or prejudicial treatment of members of a marginalized group.
16.I feel mentally or emotionally safe in my workplace.
17.I would recommend my workplace to my peers.
18.My workplace stress affects my relationships with family, friends, or coworkers.
19.My workplace stress affects my mental health (i.e., anxiety, depression, substance use).
20.I am actively looking for a new position.
21.Tell us how your workplace is supportive or unsupportive. (Optional)
Current Progress,
0 of 21 answered