Estimated completion time 5-10 minutes

Your Voice Matters: Shaping a Workplace We All Thrive In
According to headlines, 2024 finds us in a moment of difficulty navigating the labor market, workforce chaos, and increasing awareness about socio-economic division. This anonymous survey is your chance to share your honest thoughts about your own experiences.

Our Goal:
By understanding what matters most, we can support organizations in shaping a more positive and productive work environment for everyone. Your feedback is crucial in shaping a workplace that brings humanity back to Human Capital.
  • Much of the dialogue about the current work experience is around how quickly the workplace is changing lately. We want to hear from you about what you've noticed has changed and what's still the same.
  • We want to determine where disconnections and misaligned priorities exist between business leadership and employees to better facilitate mutual understanding and bring dignity back to the workplace.
  • The themes that emerge in survey results will be anonymously grouped, shared, and presented with business owners and leadership to better understand employees' experiences to create the best workplace moving forward.

Please note: This survey is completely anonymous. There are no identifying questions, and your responses will not be linked back to you in any way.

We value your perspective! As a token of our appreciation for sharing your important insights with us, you'll have the option to enter to win a gift card upon survey completion. This survey should take between 5 and 10 minutes to complete.