So how do you really feel about your work life?
This survey is part of a national research project on Australian attitudes to their work life and the place, if any, of faith and faith communities. The research is being conducted by Rev Scott Morrison, as a part of his doctoral studies and for Reventure, a not for profit organisation based in Melbourne dedicated to helping Australian workers and workplaces flourish in life and work.
By filling out this survey you are contributing to important social research on  why Australians do the work they do today, and what role if any, religious faith or spirituality plays in that motivation and output. 
If you decide to answer all the questions, this survey will take around 7-10 minutes. The information being gathered is confidential and non-identifiable. This survey has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee of the Christian Research Association. If you wish to make an ethical complaint regarding the survey, you may email
Before you start, please note that "work" is broadly defined here as any committed and responsible activity a person regularly undertakes in society for meaningful personal or social outcomes. Work therefore can be either paid employment or unpaid work such as being a primary carer or community volunteer. 

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1. What is your primary work or employment status?

If you are not currently doing voluntary work or paid work, answer remaining questions based on your last role.

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2. Which best describes your primary employment sector?

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3. Which best describes your role or primary type of employment within this sector?

The next few questions explore WHY you do your work (paid or unpaid) and how you feel about it?

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4. On a scale of 1-10, how important are EACH of the possible reasons listed in choosing the sort of paid or unpaid work you are CURRENTLY doing?

  1 Not important 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Most important
Earning money for myself and/or family
Flexibility to pursue other priorities and interests beyond work
Enjoying the people I work with or interact with through work
Doing something I am good at and enjoy
Extending my professional skills and career pathway
Making a significant contribution to the lives of other people or to society
Living out my values and/or religious beliefs
I had to take the work that was available to me

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5. On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied and fulfilled are you with your current work?

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6. On a scale of 1-10, to what extent do you think you know what your meaning and purpose in life is?

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7. These are big questions! Is there anything else you would like to say about any of your responses?