Thank you for attending the Workforce Options for Industry forum held at Peel Thunder on the 30th November 2022. The Peel Development Commission would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete this feedback and evaluation survey on the event.
The Speakers/Content

Question Title

* 1. Please rate the response which most accurately represents your view in relation to the speakers/content.

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
The speakers presented in an engaging and stimulating way
The speakers responded effectively to the group’s questions
The audio-visuals aids were appropriate
The content was useful and relevant

Question Title

* 2. How satisfied were you with each of the presentations provided?

  Very Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied
Department of Home Affairs (Steve Lanyi)
Department of Training & Workforce Development (Kristi Carlile)
Department of Training & Workforce Development (Philip Wyles)
South Metro TAFE (Kim Wood)
Pacific Labour Facility (Alex Sizer)
Panel Discussion and Q&A
The Experience

Question Title

* 3. Please rate your response which most accurately represents your view in relation to the overall forum experience.

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither agree or disagree  Disagree Strongly disagree
Overall this was a valuable and worthwhile event
The event was well organised
The catering was of a good standard
The venue was suitable
The event met my expectations
Attending this event has increased my knowledge on the topic/s
I would consider attending another similar event

Question Title

* 4. What would you like to see happen in the worker migration space?

Question Title

* 5. Do you have any additional comments or queries on the Workforce Options for Industry forum event?

Question Title

* 6. How did you hear about the event?

Question Title

* 7. Your contact details (optional)