Now Hiring!

New Class/Program Proposal

We’ll be opening the Spartan Recreation Center in the Fall 2021 and are looking for contracted instructors and part-time staff to teach recreation classes and offer programing in all areas (adult/youth/senior: dance, wellness, fitness, fine art, music, enrichment). In addition to these categories and as part of the City of Shoreline's Strategic Action Initiative we are looking for programing that is Nature Based, geared towards Active Older Adults and Cultural Based.

The Spartan Recreation Center is located at 202 NE 185th St. Shoreline and features 2 large classrooms, a large dance room, additional medium sized fitness room, double gymnasium and weight room.  Anyone interested can contact Recreation Supervisor Angie Ramirez at 206-801-2631, 

1.Your first and last name
2.Contact information: email address or phone number
3.Name of your class/program you are proposing
4.Target Age Group:
5.Please provide a brief description of class/program.
6.Is it a series (multiple) or single (once) class?
Current Progress,
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