
Question Title

* 1. What activities do you enjoy doing in our woodlands

Question Title

* 2. What do you think are the critical threats to our lowland woodlands? Please number the boxes from 1 (biggest threat) to 7 (least threat).

  1. Pest animals
  2. Invasive plants
  3. Dieback
  4. Climate Change
  5. Fire
  6. Other human impacts
  7. Other

Question Title

* 3. In question 2, what 'Other human impacts' or 'Other' threats concern you, if any?

Question Title

* 4. What do you think are the critical threats to our subalpine woodlands? Please number the boxes from 1 (biggest threat) to 7 (least threat).

  1. Pest animals
  2. Invasive plants
  3. Dieback
  4. Climate Change
  5. Fire
  6. Other human impacts
  7. Other

Question Title

* 5. In question 4, what 'Other human impacts' or 'Other' threats concern you, if any?

Question Title

* 6. As a community member, what role do you think you can play in the conservation of our woodlands?

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* 7. What are the best ways to inform the community about how they can help protect our woodlands?

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* 8. How do you think the ACT Government should engage with community groups to conserve our woodlands?

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* 9. Do you belong to a community group that helps conserve our woodlands?

Question Title

* 11. If you do belong to a group, do you think the draft strategy provides adequate direction to community groups undertaking woodland conservation activities?

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* 12. In your group, what information or resources are most valuable to support the work you undertake?