The City of Windsor and the County of Essex are developing a Regional Affordable Housing Strategy and are seeking your input! Your responses will help us better understand the housing needs and challenges in your community. Continue reading to learn more about the project and the purpose of the survey.

Please note that this survey will close on Monday September 9, 2024 at 11:59 PM. It should take you approximately 20 minutes to complete.

By participating in this survey, you are contributing to building a comprehensive picture of your community's housing experiences. This will allow the City of Windsor and the County of Essex to develop a clearer understanding of housing needs, barriers, or challenges to accessing quality housing and future housing options for our communities. Your input will inform strategies and actions aimed at improving housing options that are affordable to all residents of Windsor-Essex County.

Using your Information
This survey is issued by SHS Consulting, an affordable housing firm. Your privacy and data protection are of utmost importance to us. All information collected in this survey will be kept strictly confidential and anonymous—we will not ask you for your name or contact information. Your responses will be used solely for the purpose of this project. No personally identifiable information will be shared or disclosed. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary.

If you have any questions or require further information about this survey or project, please contact

Question Title

* 1. Before you begin, please confirm you have read the above project overview, purpose, and approach to using your information. By selecting “I consent” below, you consent to the use of your survey responses to inform the Windsor-Essex Regional Housing Strategy.

Question Title

* 2. Do you live in Windsor-Essex? Please note this survey is only open to people who live in the City of Windsor or County of Essex.