Thanks for attending a career guidance session provided by the WIN/ Careerpilot Team.
We would love to know if it was useful?
Your comments will help us improve the service.
It will take 3 minutes!

Question Title

* 4. Did the guidance session help you discuss your career options?

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* 5. Did the guidance session help you put a plan in place to help you move your career decisions forward?

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* 6. Do you now know what you need to do next?

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* 7. Overall, how useful has the careers guidance session been to you?

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* 8. Can you tell us how this careers guidance session has helped you? (we might use your words anonymously when we review the programme).

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* 9. What was the most useful thing about the guidance session?

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* 10. What could have made the guidance session even better?

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* 11. How many of the WIN guidance sessions have you had to date before this one (e.g in Y10, 11, 12)?

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* 12. If you have had a guidance session from the WIN adviser before - in previous years? In what ways has it been useful to have a session each year?

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* 13. If you have had more than one guidance session for a WIN adviser how have the sessions informed/supported your career planning e.g. did the sessions help you change ideas, firm up plans, look at different pathways, etc.?

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* 14. For the last 6 years we have been able to fund the WIN guidance sessions on top of what your school has offered, has this been useful to you? If yes then why? If no, then why?