Our goal with the WikiPathways project is to provide a collaborative pathway database to enhance biomedical research and education. We want to hear from you about how you use WikiPathways and how it has been useful to you. Your anonymous feedback is a critical component of our annual review and grant renewal process. This one-page survey should take no more than 3 minutes to complete.  Thank you!

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* 1. How do you use WikiPathways? (check all that apply)

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* 2. By what means do you access WikiPathways content? (check all that apply)

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* 3. How has WikiPathways been useful in your research (published or otherwise)?

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* 4. What changes or new features would you like to see at WikiPathways?

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* 5. Do you have any other comments, questions, or concerns?

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* 6. (Optional) Please provide an email address if you would like to be contacted in response to your questions.

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* 7. (Optional) WikiPathways is committed to supporting and training a diverse peer group of biomedical researchers. We will only use this information anonymously and in aggregate as a reflection of our outreach efforts. Are you a member of an under-represented group in research science?

Privacy and Use: Anonymized responses and summary statistics may be used in public reports. If you would like your responses to be excluded, simply specify your preferences in the comment space above.