Final Survey for White Oak Christian Church (Part 3)

Your continued participation in this special nationwide survey sponsored by the Christian Church Leadership Network (CCLNetwork) is greatly appreciated! This is the last survey in this special series. Your participation in this survey will help thousands of churches and church leaders to thrive for years to come. Thank you for participating in this brief survey! (Tim Wallingford, Executive Director, CCLNetwork)
1.I believe Christ expects me to witness.
2.I believe Christ expects me to make disciples and fulfill the Great Commission.
3.I believe evangelism is doing good deeds in the community.
4.I believe evangelism is caring for the poor and hungry in the community.
5.I believe evangelism is inviting my family and friends to attend a church service.
6.I regularly pray for those who don’t know Christ.
7.I believe when I tell others I am praying about their problem I am evangelizing.
8.I believe evangelism can happen without me sharing the gospel.
9.I believe it is wrong to evangelize someone of another religion or faith.
10.I have baptized another person into Christ.
11.I believe evangelism is not my responsibility but done by the Holy Spirit.
12.I will take unpopular stands to defend my faith.
13.I am confident in my ability to share my faith.
14.My values are shaped only by Scripture.
15.I financially support Christian ministries consistently and sacrificially.
16.I believe Christ commands me to meet weekly in worship.
17.I believe Christ commands me to make Christian fellowship a priority.
18.I meet regularly with other believers to pray, study, and mobilize to impact my neighborhood
19.I believe my Christian fellowship reflects what heaven will be like.
20.I believe my Christian fellowship encourages transparency to confess sin and ask for help.
21.I believe my Christian fellowship intentionally mobilizes me and others to make disciples.
22.I believe Christians are to be different from the world in values and priorities
23.What is your gender?
24.What is your age?
25.How long have you been a Christian?
26.How many times a month do you typically attend worship services (in person or online)?
Current Progress,
0 of 26 answered