Special Survey for White Oak Christian Church (Part 2)

Your church has agreed to participate in a special nationwide survey sponsored by the Christian Church Leadership Network (CCLNetwork). This is the second survey in the special series. Your participation in this survey will help thousands of churches and church leaders to thrive for years to come. Thank you for participating in this brief survey! (Tim Wallingford, Executive Director, CCLNetwork)
1.Faithfulness to Christ involves taking on and living out his godly character.
2.I am working daily to live out Christ’s godly attitudes and actions.
3.I pray:
4.I read my Bible:
5.God changes me through a dynamic worship experience.
6.God changes me through obedience to Scripture.
7.God changes me through models and mentors of the new life patterns.
8.God changes me through key programs, events, and experiences.
9.I connect regularly with a small group of other people from my church to study the Bible.
10.My church helps me to develop personal spiritual disciplines.
11.Because of my faith, I have forgiven people who have hurt me deeply.
12.How I live my life shows that God is my highest priority.
13.I am consistent in pursuing habits that are helping me model my life after Jesus.
14.What is your gender?
15.What is your age?
16.How long have you been a Christian?
17.How many times a month do you typically attend worship services (in person or online)?
Current Progress,
0 of 17 answered