What should we call "makers who sew"?

Furniture makers, woodcarvers and turners are known as "woodcrafters." Makers who work on cars are "automotive DIYers." Beer makers are "brewers." So what do we call people who sew... people who make beautiful goods out of fabric or thread?

Question Title

* What should we call "makers who sew"?

ATA Maker Focus Group: How to Create Authentic Online Connections with Today's Sewers, Sewists, and Seamstresses
Are today's sewers, sewists, and seamstresses among your brand's target segments? Should they be? If so, how well do you know this audience?

If you had an opportunity to talk directly with today's sewers, sewists, and seamstresses, what would you ask them?

We're giving you the opportunity to do just that on January 16, 2018 at 7:00pm EST with the ATA Maker Focus Group: How to Create an Authentic Online Connection with Today's Sewers, Sewists, and Seamstresses.


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